Thursday, October 15, 2009

We found a worm!

Hey look what I see! There's a worm in our classroom!
We were intrigued by what we saw and watched the worm crawl all around.

One of the children exclaimed, "He's coming to my shoe."
Morah replied, "What will happen if your shoe goes on the worm?"
"It can get squished. Let's move our feet away from the worm so it won't get hurt."

Another child wanted to touch the "worm". Morah reminded us to be careful and gentle with it. The children gently touched the worm and were amazed when it curled up into a spiral and then stretched itself out again.

Morah then asked "Where does the worm belong?"
"The worm belongs outside. We can put him outside in the garden so he can feel comfortable."
We then prepared to go outside by putting on our jackets, and we let the worm crawl onto a paper so we can carry him outside.

Notice how the children:
-Are eager to explore the things around them
-Used their observation and communication skills as they engaged with the worm
-Learned that we can care for animals
-Expanded their knowledge of knowing where different things belong

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