Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Our Special Torah

3322 years ago the Jewish people received the Torah at Mt. Sinai.
The Torah is our guidebook, teaching us how to live and behave properly.
Today, we celebrate the holiday of Shavuot to commemorate the receiving of the Torah. In shul (synagogue) the 10 Commandments are read – the very same words which were heard so many years ago at Mt. Sinai…

The children were very excited to hear that a holiday was coming – in which we would have challah, kiddush, and candles. Together with motions we sang:

Tune of London Bridge:

Shavuot is a holiday, a holiday, a holiday.
Shavuot is a holiday a special day.
On Shavuot we light the candles,
We light the candles, we light the candles
On Shavuot we light the candles for the holiday!
On Shavuot we drink some Kiddush……
On Shavuot we eat some Challah……

On Shavuot we remember something that happened long ago.
The Jewish people had just left Egypt and were on their way to Israel. On their way they heard some very exciting news – Hashem, who loves and cares for all the people, wanted to give them a present.
A present! That is so exciting.
They were going to get the first Torah!
Hashem gave us a present,
Do you know what it was?
He gave us the Torah to treasure and love!

The children’s prior knowledge of TORAH consisted of the stuffed Torah’s we had in our classroom. The children pointed to our stuffed Torah’s saying “Torah, Torah” and so we wanted to expand their definition of the word TORAH. Morah told the children, “Yes. That is our pretend Torahs which we love so much. But they are not real Torah’s. Would you like to go see a REAL Torah?”
Their response was full of excitement.

Together we went upstairs to the Aron Kodesh, the special closet where the Torah’s are kept. The children noted how big the Torah’s were. Some of us noticed that it had a crown with bells, and shiny things on it. Others noticed that the covering was soft. We all got to come up close to the Torah and give it a kiss.

Morah got a small version of the real Torah for us to open and see what’s inside. Wow, we can open a real Torah and see its many words.
“There’s words in the Torah.” “I roll it.”

With this background the children had the opportunity to make their own pretend Torahs. The children used their fine motor skills to bead jewels for the Torah and spread glitter glue over it to decorate.

Some Torah songs we sing are:
“Torah, Torah, Torah,
Torah, Torah, Torah,
Torah Tziva Lanu Moshe”

“Torah, Torah, my special Torah
Let me hold you tight.
Teach me, teach me, all the mitzvot
So I can do what’s right.
The Torah teaches us what to do
Torah, Torah, I love you.”

Come and hear the 10 Commandments read at Chabad tomorrow, Wednsday, at 6pm. Enjoy an Ice Cream Party and Dairy Buffet Dinner.

Happy Shavuot,
Morah Chaya and Morah Chaya