Monday, December 21, 2009

Chanukah in the Young Toddlers Class

We started our Chanukah unit by hearing the Chanukah story. Just as the Jewish people lit the menorah in the Beit Hamikdash (Holy Temple) in the story of long ago – we too light a menorah on Chanukah.

Here are some of the experiences we enjoyed doing over the holiday.

We played with our play menorahs, using our fine motor muscles and dexterity to place the candles in them.

With hammers and thumb tacks, we worked with our daddies to create our big school menorah. Each day of Chanukah, the children from all the classes gathered together to light our big menorah. We are so proud of the menorah we created with our daddies

On Chanukah we play with a dreidel (spinning top). The children were intrigued as they watched the dreidel spin round and round. We have been playing the dreidel game while practicing our color matching skills. We each have a turn to spin our big dreidel. When it falls on its side we get a foam circle which matches the color on the dreidel.

It is customary to eat fried foods on Chanukah such as latkes (potato pancakes) and doughnuts. The children enjoyed decorating doughnuts together with Mika’s mommy – Thank You.

Happy Chanukah and have an enjoyable and safe winter break!
Morah Chaya G, Morah Chaya K, and Morah Batsheva